
I currently don't have the time to fully explain all of the things I have done with my website. For now this article is a stub that gives a shout out to the amazing technology that I rely on to put words onto the internet.

Static Site Generation

To generate HTML pages from markdown files and Jinja templates I use the static site generator called Wok developed by Mike Cooper. It's not as hard as it sounds, and it really beats hand coding html.

Responsive-ish Design

I am not a web developer and I guarantee that I made some mistakes. I used the twitter bootstrap 3 css framework to make my webpage responsive.


Math is my bread...As a mechanical engineering graduate student it encompasses much of what I do. Writing math on the internet would be impossible without Mathjax. This is a really cool project that renders latex or mathml style math in the browser.

For example the Lagrange Strain tensor: \[E_{ij}=\left(\frac{\partial u_i}{\partial x_j}+\frac{\partial u_j}{\partial x_i}+\frac{\partial u_k}{\partial x_j}\frac{\partial u_k}{\partial x_i} \right)\]

Unfortunately due to the math rendering the pages can load slowly on a flaky internet connection. This is frustrating and even on my "high speed" internet connection at home the math takes a while to load. Granted, my high speed cable seems to crap out running vim via ssh, so the bandwidth is questionable.


Programming is my butter...Since I'm studying computational mechanics it turns out that I have to do a lot of programming. In order to make my code look nice I use a python module called pygments. For example here is some syntax highlighted python code.

#!/usr/bin/env python

import glob

def useless_python_function(**args):
    This function is used to list files
    #files is a list of all files in the folder
    files = glob.glob('*')

    #print each file name
    for file in files:
        print file

if __name__ == "__main__":